This began when I met him on Upwork. Direct and to the point, he let me know that he was interested in hiring a team to start a virtual assistant recruiting business that is mostly run by a remote team. He’s no stranger to starting a business, as he’s the owner of a successful boutique sales recruiting firm.
He attributes much of his success to his ability to work with virtual assistants. Yeah, that’s a topic that can make most business owners either nod in agreement or cringe over the thought of relinquishing control. He believes so strongly on the impact of virtual assistants that he decided to start a business based on helping you find, recruit, and work with assistants that can transform your life from frustrating to smooth sailing.
But there’s a lot that goes into starting a business. Since he’s already running a primary business, watching two small kids of his own, and making sure his wife gets the attention she deserves, there’s not much time left to devote to this new venture. That’s where I, and other members of his team, come into play.
We’re taking his humble idea and materializing it into a business within 12 months. I’m writing, taking screenshots, and interviewing every step of the journey to show you how one person built a business with the help of a remote team. Every pitfall, failure, success, and strategy will be documented and written about in this blog.
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